Friday, August 04, 2006

NYC Real Estate so HOT -- it's throbbing.

I came across this ad for One Hanson Place, a new luxury building in Brookyn:

The current tagline is "Own a Piece of History." But my years as a professional copywriter tell me they really missed a chance to say something special about this unique property.

I humbly suggest they use...

"One Hanson Place: Live in a Giant Penis"

Yes, "Live in a Giant Penis" is short, to the point and really says it all. Plus it's much better than the first tagline I wrote...

"One Hanson Place: Because nothing says you're a dick more than paying over $900,000 for a two-bedroom apartment in Brooklyn surrounded by traffic jams, a scuzzy train station and zero greenery."

Hurry, units are going fast!

And this building is REALLY HARD TO BEAT!!! (oh ho ho ho)