The New York Times' Triennial Article on New York Comedy Scene
...came out on Sunday. The annoyance I have for the New York Times policy of ignoring live comedy completely and then "discovering" it once every three years or so is tempered this time by the fact that this article profiles great shows (most of which I've done) and some of my very good friends (none of whom I've "done", in case you were wondering) who have lived in the side bar of this blog under "Friend of a Felber" since the earth was still cooling and dinos ruled the land.
The article is called: Seinfeld It Ain't
Published: January 29, 2006
Check it out here.
So, after much research, I've decided that to get covered in the NYT the smart thing to do is DANCE. F comedy. Live dance gets covered every freakin' week. So let's see...
I'm taking off my shoes... I'm jumping up and down (to a mournful tune)...
Ah! The reporter is here! Gotta go!