A Gay Robot Walks into a Bar...
Below, a picture of the gay, bar-going robot my brother & I created for "Last Call" a comedy CD-ROM game that was published by Simon & Schuster in 2000.
The original gay drinking robot.
Now, here's gay robot news from today's CableFAX daily:
Programming: Comedy Central greenlit 2 irreverent comedies..."Gay Robot" stars Nick Swardson and is based on an Adam Sandler comedy album "Shhh...Don't Tell" about a robot who, after a late night with a wine cooler and his circuit boards, discovers that he's gay. It will be produced with Sandler's Happy Madison production company.
Sandler's gay robot bit was on an album from 2004. Now, here's the description we wrote for our original character --
Troy, the gay robot. Our gay robot description has lived online since 2000 right here.
How many robots have had the courage to come out of the closet? Troy did. It's no secret --Troy is gay. He reacts a bit differently depending on your gender. Female bartenders get wild animated greetings, and lots of flattery. "Girl! I love that brooch! Is that antique?" or "I like them tall, cool, and on demand don't you? That's Tom Collins sweetie." If a female bartender charms him he might say, "Really? Thank YOU. I was just simonized - you don't think my metal's too flashy?" For male bartenders he poses. "See this shining armor? I might be your Knight". He's liable to burst into robotic show tunes when left unattended for too long. Troy's voice is effeminate but hugely processed, like Harvey Fierstein in a ventilation shaft.
To be honest I haven't heard Sandler's bit, and it has been ages since I played the game we wrote and can't remember most of the dialogue. Now, sure, I'm curious as to the similarities...
But mainly, I'm just enough of an egomaniac to point out that we created the original hilarious gay booze-swilling bar-going robot.
OK...I guess there's another motive for this post. Last Call is still a weensy bit of a sore spot.
Yeah, it's a little sore. Ow.
The thing is, the Last Call got some great reviews. It really was a funny game. Really. I was proud of it. We worked with talented young animators and a young talented guy named John Cutler who conceived of the game and brought the project to life with his passion and hard work.
But in the end, due to the game's alcohol and sex (in cartoon form), Wal-Mart wouldn't carry us and with that, hopes for the game hitting the bigtime were crushed. Wal-Mart does carry games like Unreal Tournament, with their amazing amounts of blood and gore and weaponry that ranges from razor blades to shave someone's head off, to nuclear weapons you can carry and fire. I know this because I am a fan of Unreal Tournament. So, no, I don't think this incredibly violent stuff should be banned by Wal-Mart.
But yeah, I am still smarting that innuendo, and gay robots and mixed drinks would be banned -- heck in our game you had to card every customer, even the hedgehog!
Over a year after our game came out, I was at a big video game company's Christmas party in Tribeca, where I actually met the video game buyer for Wal-Mart. They introduced him to me because they had heard Last Call was one of his favorite games ever, and that he had pinned the cover to his office wall. Mr. blonde buyer guy gushed about the game and said he was so sorry they didn't carry it. He said he had fought for it to hit the shelves, but in the end, yes, the rumors we had heard about the cartoon sex and booze were true. It was deemed too "hot" for Wal-Mart.
So really, as if you didn't have enough reason to loathe them already --
F Wal-Mart.
Friday, July 29, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
Studies Show Golf Shirts as Effective as Condoms
Looking for an effective method of birth control?
One that's safe, easy and non-systemic?
Look no further than golf shirts!
"Our family was growing way too fast. Then we tried golf shirts."
As a practicing Catholic, this man did not want to be identified. But he has used golf shirts as contraception for over a decade.
The Pope is, understandably, very much against golf shirts.
The following shirt is called "Blue Balls" because obviously, if you're wearing it, you're not gettin' any...
I did not make up the deliciously perfect title to this shirt. Buy it here.
Some golf shirts can multi-task. Here we see birth control and a convenient way to convey current terror alert levels in one breathable garment:
Scientists even tested golf shirts on the very sexy:
The control: a sexy sexy man in the sexiest golf shirt possible
They found that even among the incredibly sexy, golf shirts provided 99.9%* effective protection against getting laid. And because of this, unlike the pill, golf shirts also protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
Hurrah hurrah for these modern day chastity belts --
* Tiger Woods represents .1% of golf shirt users who may get action in spite of the hideous shirt. Scientists think women may be able to overlook the hideous shirt if the user has gobs and gobs of money. People with zillions of dollars are strongly urged to consult their physician and accountant before using golf shirts to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Looking for an effective method of birth control?
One that's safe, easy and non-systemic?
Look no further than golf shirts!
"Our family was growing way too fast. Then we tried golf shirts."
As a practicing Catholic, this man did not want to be identified. But he has used golf shirts as contraception for over a decade.
The Pope is, understandably, very much against golf shirts.
The following shirt is called "Blue Balls" because obviously, if you're wearing it, you're not gettin' any...
I did not make up the deliciously perfect title to this shirt. Buy it here.
Some golf shirts can multi-task. Here we see birth control and a convenient way to convey current terror alert levels in one breathable garment:
Scientists even tested golf shirts on the very sexy:
The control: a sexy sexy man in the sexiest golf shirt possible
They found that even among the incredibly sexy, golf shirts provided 99.9%* effective protection against getting laid. And because of this, unlike the pill, golf shirts also protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
Hurrah hurrah for these modern day chastity belts --
* Tiger Woods represents .1% of golf shirt users who may get action in spite of the hideous shirt. Scientists think women may be able to overlook the hideous shirt if the user has gobs and gobs of money. People with zillions of dollars are strongly urged to consult their physician and accountant before using golf shirts to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
At WYSIWYG Camp, Everyone's a Winner
Cue self-indulgent, nauseatingly sincere blogger speech...
I feel compelled to write a WYSIWYG show recap, even though I never write show recaps. It's nothing personal. It's just that I rarely post anything personal on my blog. If you want to know about my mid-level day job in tee vee, my performing and my incredibly active and outrageously scandalous exploits with nude goldfinches -- I'm sorry.
The thing is I'm a very private person who will only reveal these most personal details the very first time you meet me. Even if you don't ask. Especially if I've had a glass of pinot. Red or white. Seriously, if I've had two drinks, you're hearing about me and Eddie Cantor doing blow off a snail's labia and huffing behind Soy Luck Club with NY1's Roger Clark. You know, typical Wednesday night stuff.
For those that do spill it online, I love you. I read you (pant, pant). Don't. Stop.
I was amazed how many recaps of the show went up, bim bam just like that. It was thrilling. For the full picture, posts about the show are best assembled here on the official WYSIWYG blog.
I guess it's true what my mamma always told me...
Sleep with a blogger show, wake up with blogs.
But here's a few thoughts about Tuesday's WYSIWYG show -- because I'm a team player!*
1. I wrote to Chris the day after and here's some of what I said. Basically the only thing I cut out was my fear that I have gone over the time limit. Oh, and I didn't hyperlink my email. That's just for y'all.
"I can't thank you enough for including me in your reindeer games last night. The show was very special to me -- and I don't mean special as in retarded...
The opportunity to do a show that is promoted wonderfully, booked expertly and planned with utmost care was a privilege. You people rock. The best and most unexpected part is that I learned exactly how I could cut and improve the story.
Could you please also pass on my sincerest thanks to Dan and Andy? You guys are the best -- and I love that you gave me a chance to read even though you didn't know me from a hole in the wall.
2. I've been performing for almost a decade. Lots of sketch, improv, stand-up and before that some seriousy stuff like Shakespeare, da Greeks and assorted pretentious stuff from Rat Hole Rep to Lincoln Center. I even worked with quite a few directors and actors whose names would impress your pants off. But since most of them were celebrated psychos, I do not name names and when I see them I cross to the other side of the street to avoid a conversation. Then again, if I wanted your pants off...
But I dig finding new communities of talented, dedicated people. I love opening the circle and the mingling of... holy crap I am descending into syrupy muck. THIS is probably the real reason why I don't post personal stuff. That and I know if not kvelling about the talents of others, I'd be ripping them a new one. And who wants a new one? Not me.
In any case, although I felt like the dorky new kid since I'm not a part of any blogger scene, "Hey guys! What bar are we going to? Guys? Guys where are you going? Guys wait up!" -- I loved it.
3. I really enjoyed the other blogger's camp stories. I laughed so hard I cried. I can't fake that stuff. Fun.
4. I think numbering these recollections is lame, but I can't stop.
5. Here's a tidbit that might get all your blogging panties moister than a clam's crotch:
My brother's agent showed up. Out of the blue. The agent who sold my brother's first novel to a big important publisher for a 2006 release.** I had always heard wonderful things about him from my bro, but never had met the dude, never had any contact with him. I didn't even have an email address with which to spam him, people! He was so dang nice. So non-agenty, no offense to my other agent friends. And I know from his own lips that had it not been so hot he might've gone with his stylish, willowy woman*** to see Elvis Costello instead of me... but the fact that he came across my post about the show and was curious enough to come was very cool. I heard through the grapevine (my brother) that he truly enjoyed it. Now all I got to do is write something worthy of publication. Give me a half century or two. I'll be right on it.
6. Rachel. Lovely Rachel and her fabufriends showed up, hung out and led me towards other exciting performing and writing opportunities. She also brought me a present for no reason other than she knew I'd like it.
For that did-I-blackout-and-hump-a-cake-last-night? feeling
Buttercream frosting lotion. It's amazing. I was rubbing it all over my arms and offering it to the other readers before the show. As attractive performers greased up, the audience wondered what kind of blogger burlesque they had gotten themselves into.
7. Murray!
Murray came to the show. My new friend who schlepped two beautiful used Cannondale bikes for me from the wilds of Pennsylvania. Murray is Vice Chairman of the Pike 2 Bike advisory committee, owns and runs Grouseland Tours, and has too many other talents to mention but I might post pics of his stained glass if he sends them. Also, I'm going to do Pike 2 Bike this year. Very excited.
8. And finally...
Thanks to all the nice audience members and the nice bloggers who said nice things about how absolutely stunningly jaw-droppingly talented I was... or you know, something to that effect. It was, without a doubt, really nice to hear. I'm rubber, you're glue. You know the rest. Or not. 10-4 good buddies.
*No, truth is I easily succumb to peer pressure and want everyone to like me.
**I have the right to brag about my brother until the cows come home and pack up and leave because I'm bragging too much. So stuff it! In a nice way... Here's a fabulous post my brother did recently describing the process of revising his novel for publication.
***If you think I'm kissing up by describing the agent's woman as stylish and willowy, you are so woefully wrong it's like eating bear bile for breakfast. See, the only thing I have to shop to this literary agent is my grocery list. But if you do see "Milk, Eggs, Bacon -- One woman's personal journey through Price Chopper by Susie Felber" hit the shelves, then by all means, you may go ahead and question my motives. As Elvis C. would say, "My aim is true."
PS I'm not going to post my story for the not getting personal on the blog reason, but mainly, because I like the "ya hadda be there" element of any live show. For those of you who made it out, this is your Woodstock. Go forth and tell your future grandkids about it. Yeah people who didn't make it, it was that good.
Cue self-indulgent, nauseatingly sincere blogger speech...
I feel compelled to write a WYSIWYG show recap, even though I never write show recaps. It's nothing personal. It's just that I rarely post anything personal on my blog. If you want to know about my mid-level day job in tee vee, my performing and my incredibly active and outrageously scandalous exploits with nude goldfinches -- I'm sorry.
The thing is I'm a very private person who will only reveal these most personal details the very first time you meet me. Even if you don't ask. Especially if I've had a glass of pinot. Red or white. Seriously, if I've had two drinks, you're hearing about me and Eddie Cantor doing blow off a snail's labia and huffing behind Soy Luck Club with NY1's Roger Clark. You know, typical Wednesday night stuff.
For those that do spill it online, I love you. I read you (pant, pant). Don't. Stop.
I was amazed how many recaps of the show went up, bim bam just like that. It was thrilling. For the full picture, posts about the show are best assembled here on the official WYSIWYG blog.
I guess it's true what my mamma always told me...
Sleep with a blogger show, wake up with blogs.
But here's a few thoughts about Tuesday's WYSIWYG show -- because I'm a team player!*
1. I wrote to Chris the day after and here's some of what I said. Basically the only thing I cut out was my fear that I have gone over the time limit. Oh, and I didn't hyperlink my email. That's just for y'all.
"I can't thank you enough for including me in your reindeer games last night. The show was very special to me -- and I don't mean special as in retarded...
The opportunity to do a show that is promoted wonderfully, booked expertly and planned with utmost care was a privilege. You people rock. The best and most unexpected part is that I learned exactly how I could cut and improve the story.
Could you please also pass on my sincerest thanks to Dan and Andy? You guys are the best -- and I love that you gave me a chance to read even though you didn't know me from a hole in the wall.
2. I've been performing for almost a decade. Lots of sketch, improv, stand-up and before that some seriousy stuff like Shakespeare, da Greeks and assorted pretentious stuff from Rat Hole Rep to Lincoln Center. I even worked with quite a few directors and actors whose names would impress your pants off. But since most of them were celebrated psychos, I do not name names and when I see them I cross to the other side of the street to avoid a conversation. Then again, if I wanted your pants off...
But I dig finding new communities of talented, dedicated people. I love opening the circle and the mingling of... holy crap I am descending into syrupy muck. THIS is probably the real reason why I don't post personal stuff. That and I know if not kvelling about the talents of others, I'd be ripping them a new one. And who wants a new one? Not me.
In any case, although I felt like the dorky new kid since I'm not a part of any blogger scene, "Hey guys! What bar are we going to? Guys? Guys where are you going? Guys wait up!" -- I loved it.
3. I really enjoyed the other blogger's camp stories. I laughed so hard I cried. I can't fake that stuff. Fun.
4. I think numbering these recollections is lame, but I can't stop.
5. Here's a tidbit that might get all your blogging panties moister than a clam's crotch:
My brother's agent showed up. Out of the blue. The agent who sold my brother's first novel to a big important publisher for a 2006 release.** I had always heard wonderful things about him from my bro, but never had met the dude, never had any contact with him. I didn't even have an email address with which to spam him, people! He was so dang nice. So non-agenty, no offense to my other agent friends. And I know from his own lips that had it not been so hot he might've gone with his stylish, willowy woman*** to see Elvis Costello instead of me... but the fact that he came across my post about the show and was curious enough to come was very cool. I heard through the grapevine (my brother) that he truly enjoyed it. Now all I got to do is write something worthy of publication. Give me a half century or two. I'll be right on it.
6. Rachel. Lovely Rachel and her fabufriends showed up, hung out and led me towards other exciting performing and writing opportunities. She also brought me a present for no reason other than she knew I'd like it.
For that did-I-blackout-and-hump-a-cake-last-night? feeling
Buttercream frosting lotion. It's amazing. I was rubbing it all over my arms and offering it to the other readers before the show. As attractive performers greased up, the audience wondered what kind of blogger burlesque they had gotten themselves into.
7. Murray!
Murray came to the show. My new friend who schlepped two beautiful used Cannondale bikes for me from the wilds of Pennsylvania. Murray is Vice Chairman of the Pike 2 Bike advisory committee, owns and runs Grouseland Tours, and has too many other talents to mention but I might post pics of his stained glass if he sends them. Also, I'm going to do Pike 2 Bike this year. Very excited.
8. And finally...
Thanks to all the nice audience members and the nice bloggers who said nice things about how absolutely stunningly jaw-droppingly talented I was... or you know, something to that effect. It was, without a doubt, really nice to hear. I'm rubber, you're glue. You know the rest. Or not. 10-4 good buddies.
*No, truth is I easily succumb to peer pressure and want everyone to like me.
**I have the right to brag about my brother until the cows come home and pack up and leave because I'm bragging too much. So stuff it! In a nice way... Here's a fabulous post my brother did recently describing the process of revising his novel for publication.
***If you think I'm kissing up by describing the agent's woman as stylish and willowy, you are so woefully wrong it's like eating bear bile for breakfast. See, the only thing I have to shop to this literary agent is my grocery list. But if you do see "Milk, Eggs, Bacon -- One woman's personal journey through Price Chopper by Susie Felber" hit the shelves, then by all means, you may go ahead and question my motives. As Elvis C. would say, "My aim is true."
PS I'm not going to post my story for the not getting personal on the blog reason, but mainly, because I like the "ya hadda be there" element of any live show. For those of you who made it out, this is your Woodstock. Go forth and tell your future grandkids about it. Yeah people who didn't make it, it was that good.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
me TONIGHT...and beyond.
TONIGHT -- Tuesday, July 19th
See NYC Bloggers Camp It Up
WYSIWYG Talent Show
7:30 p.m.
Performance Space 122
150 1st Ave. at East 9th St.
Tickets: $7
Call the box office at 212-477-5288
or click here to buy online right now.
The WYSIWYG Talent Show, the first-ever all-blogger series of readings and performances, brings you a celebration of mosquito bites, bunk beds, toasted marshmallows, and makeout sessions behind the dining hall with Greetings from Lake WYSIWYG: Summer Camp Stories
WYSIWYG performers for July include:
* Susie Felber (http://felberfrolics.blogspot.com) <-- c'est moi
* Claudia Cogan (http://getthefoutofhere.blogspot.com/)
* Jim Barrett (http://www.jimbo.info/weblog)
* Sarah Weinman (http://www.sarahweinman.com/)
* Jonny Goldstein (http://www.jonnygoldstein.com/)
* Jess Hulett (http://www.blindcavefish.com/)
WYSIWYG should be a hoot. My story will not suck. Get your tix early and come on down.
Wednesday, August 3rd
Keith is fabulousness incarnate
Starlight Revue
Starlight Bar and Lounge
167 Ave A (Btwn 10th and 11th Sts.)
@10:30 PM (seating at 10pm)
Free Cover/ 1 drink min
Keith Price hosts this well-loved, well-attended comedy show. I'm thrilled to be a part of the fabulosity.
Wednesday, August 17th
I'm back to host the 2nd Girls v. Boys musical cage match. Love it because I get to hear music, sweet music. Also, the bartender at Sin-e was awesome to me. Maybe a little too awesome... but still, come on down if you want to rock out with your thingy out. I said thingy. I'm x-treme like that.
150 Attorney St. b/w Houston & Stanton
New York, NY
Girls vs. Boys is a battle of the sexes via indie punk-pop-rock music. Two female-fronted bands vs. two male-fronted bands. The battle is judged American Idol-style by local celebrity judges.
The Girls Team -- THE MARIANNE PILLSBURYS & THE DOMESTICS -- won the very first battle on June 15th and will return for the re-match against a new Boys Team -- THE OGGS & THE DOPES!
Who will be victorious this time? Come find out on August 17th @Sin-e!
Our hilarious MC for the evening:
SUSIE FELBER -- Copy jockey for Court TV and contributor to US Weekly's Fashion Police, Felber has written and produced for Comedy Central, Lifetime and ABC Development and also appeared on MTV2, Oxygen and Late Night with Conan O'Brien.
Our special VIP judges:
•Singer-songwriter-bassist ALYSON PALMER of the band BETTY and the hit off-Broadway show BETTY RULES -- www.hellobetty.com
•Promoter KERRI BLACK who has worked with bands like The Strokes, Wheatus, The Rosenbergs and Longwave -- www.kerriblackpromotions.com
•Mystery guest Judge Edelweiss
•Another very special male judge TBA
Generous sponsors:
NEW YORK GUITAR & BASS BOUTIQUE -- Guitar set-ups for the winning bands
K.E. HAAS SALON -- Rock star haircut for the Band Most in Need of a Makeover
TONIGHT -- Tuesday, July 19th
See NYC Bloggers Camp It Up
WYSIWYG Talent Show
7:30 p.m.
Performance Space 122
150 1st Ave. at East 9th St.
Tickets: $7
Call the box office at 212-477-5288
or click here to buy online right now.
The WYSIWYG Talent Show, the first-ever all-blogger series of readings and performances, brings you a celebration of mosquito bites, bunk beds, toasted marshmallows, and makeout sessions behind the dining hall with Greetings from Lake WYSIWYG: Summer Camp Stories
WYSIWYG performers for July include:
* Susie Felber (http://felberfrolics.blogspot.com) <-- c'est moi
* Claudia Cogan (http://getthefoutofhere.blogspot.com/)
* Jim Barrett (http://www.jimbo.info/weblog)
* Sarah Weinman (http://www.sarahweinman.com/)
* Jonny Goldstein (http://www.jonnygoldstein.com/)
* Jess Hulett (http://www.blindcavefish.com/)
WYSIWYG should be a hoot. My story will not suck. Get your tix early and come on down.
Wednesday, August 3rd
Keith is fabulousness incarnate
Starlight Revue
Starlight Bar and Lounge
167 Ave A (Btwn 10th and 11th Sts.)
@10:30 PM (seating at 10pm)
Free Cover/ 1 drink min
Keith Price hosts this well-loved, well-attended comedy show. I'm thrilled to be a part of the fabulosity.
Wednesday, August 17th
I'm back to host the 2nd Girls v. Boys musical cage match. Love it because I get to hear music, sweet music. Also, the bartender at Sin-e was awesome to me. Maybe a little too awesome... but still, come on down if you want to rock out with your thingy out. I said thingy. I'm x-treme like that.
150 Attorney St. b/w Houston & Stanton
New York, NY
Girls vs. Boys is a battle of the sexes via indie punk-pop-rock music. Two female-fronted bands vs. two male-fronted bands. The battle is judged American Idol-style by local celebrity judges.
The Girls Team -- THE MARIANNE PILLSBURYS & THE DOMESTICS -- won the very first battle on June 15th and will return for the re-match against a new Boys Team -- THE OGGS & THE DOPES!
Who will be victorious this time? Come find out on August 17th @Sin-e!
Our hilarious MC for the evening:
SUSIE FELBER -- Copy jockey for Court TV and contributor to US Weekly's Fashion Police, Felber has written and produced for Comedy Central, Lifetime and ABC Development and also appeared on MTV2, Oxygen and Late Night with Conan O'Brien.
Our special VIP judges:
•Singer-songwriter-bassist ALYSON PALMER of the band BETTY and the hit off-Broadway show BETTY RULES -- www.hellobetty.com
•Promoter KERRI BLACK who has worked with bands like The Strokes, Wheatus, The Rosenbergs and Longwave -- www.kerriblackpromotions.com
•Mystery guest Judge Edelweiss
•Another very special male judge TBA
Generous sponsors:
NEW YORK GUITAR & BASS BOUTIQUE -- Guitar set-ups for the winning bands
K.E. HAAS SALON -- Rock star haircut for the Band Most in Need of a Makeover
Monday, July 18, 2005
Below, you'll find a sampling of some of my upcoming shows, handpicked for freshness.
Tuesday, July 19th
See NYC Bloggers Camp It Up
WYSIWYG Talent Show
7:30 p.m.
Performance Space 122
150 1st Ave. at East 9th St.
Tickets: $7
Call the box office at 212-477-5288
or click here to buy online right now.
The WYSIWYG Talent Show, the first-ever all-blogger series of readings and performances, brings you a celebration of mosquito bites, bunk beds, toasted marshmallows, and makeout sessions behind the dining hall with Greetings from Lake WYSIWYG: Summer Camp Stories
WYSIWYG performers for July include:
* Susie Felber (http://felberfrolics.blogspot.com) <-- c'est moi
* Claudia Cogan (http://getthefoutofhere.blogspot.com/)
* Jim Barrett (http://www.jimbo.info/weblog)
* Sarah Weinman (http://www.sarahweinman.com/)
* Jonny Goldstein (http://www.jonnygoldstein.com/)
* Jess Hulett (http://www.blindcavefish.com/)
WYSIWYG is always a hoot. Looking forward to telling my tale. No spoilers here. Get your tix early and come on down.
Wednesday, August 3rd
Keith is fabulousness incarnate
Starlight Revue
Starlight Bar and Lounge
167 Ave A (Btwn 10th and 11th Sts.)
@10:30 PM (seating at 10pm)
Free Cover/ 1 drink min
Keith Price hosts this well-loved, well-attended comedy show. I'm thrilled to be a part of the fabulosity.
Wednesday, August 17th
I'm back to host the 2nd Girls v. Boys musical cage match. Love it because I get to hear music, sweet music. Also, the bartender at Sin-e was awesome to me. Maybe a little too awesome... but still, come on down if you want to rock out with your thingy out. I said thingy. I'm x-treme like that.
150 Attorney St. b/w Houston & Stanton
New York, NY
Girls vs. Boys is a battle of the sexes via indie punk-pop-rock music. Two female-fronted bands vs. two male-fronted bands. The battle is judged American Idol-style by local celebrity judges.
The Girls Team -- THE MARIANNE PILLSBURYS & THE DOMESTICS -- won the very first battle on June 15th and will return for the re-match against a new Boys Team -- THE OGGS & THE DOPES!
Who will be victorious this time? Come find out on August 17th @Sin-e!
Our hilarious MC for the evening:
SUSIE FELBER -- Copy jockey for Court TV and contributor to US Weekly's Fashion Police, Felber has written and produced for Comedy Central, Lifetime and ABC Development and also appeared on MTV2, Oxygen and Late Night with Conan O'Brien.
Our special VIP judges:
•Singer-songwriter-bassist ALYSON PALMER of the band BETTY and the hit off-Broadway show BETTY RULES -- www.hellobetty.com
•Promoter KERRI BLACK who has worked with bands like The Strokes, Wheatus, The Rosenbergs and Longwave -- www.kerriblackpromotions.com
•Mystery guest Judge Edelweiss
•Another very special male judge TBA
Generous sponsors:
NEW YORK GUITAR & BASS BOUTIQUE -- Guitar set-ups for the winning bands
K.E. HAAS SALON -- Rock star haircut for the Band Most in Need of a Makeover
Now, as an extra special bonus, right here I was going to give you a recent picture of my friend Josh holding the Aflac duck, but the image was too large. Probably for the best. I did not get his permission and as far as I know the duck never signed a release.
Friday, July 15, 2005
On a tip from my pal Media Yenta comes this late-breaking television news:
In Development at GSN: GSN, the network for games, is developing seven series for a potential launch in 2006. In addition to a remake of I've Got a Secret, projects include Annie Duke Takes on the World (a hybrid poker series), Phil Hellmuth Poker (amateurs are taught the skills of poker), 24 Hours in Vegas (players work as a carvalet, bell hop or dancer to earn money to play casino games), Chokers (a documentary series), Your Worst Nightmare (three friends are put in a scary situation hoping to escape and win a prize), and Wet, where contestants battle other players and dolphins in the water.
Casino show, casino show, casino show, fighting in the water with dolphins, casino sh-
I'm gonna knock you out...
Battling in the water with dolphins?!
Mamma said
knock you out!
I think I need to sit down. They can't be serious. Or are they?
I'd like to think they have an evil marketing genius at the network who will win the award for Best and First Press Release Specifically Crafted to go Viral.
Scroll down 3 days for a few of my upcoming shows...or I'll sic the dolphin on ya.
On a tip from my pal Media Yenta comes this late-breaking television news:
In Development at GSN: GSN, the network for games, is developing seven series for a potential launch in 2006. In addition to a remake of I've Got a Secret, projects include Annie Duke Takes on the World (a hybrid poker series), Phil Hellmuth Poker (amateurs are taught the skills of poker), 24 Hours in Vegas (players work as a carvalet, bell hop or dancer to earn money to play casino games), Chokers (a documentary series), Your Worst Nightmare (three friends are put in a scary situation hoping to escape and win a prize), and Wet, where contestants battle other players and dolphins in the water.
Casino show, casino show, casino show, fighting in the water with dolphins, casino sh-
I'm gonna knock you out...
Battling in the water with dolphins?!
Mamma said
knock you out!
I think I need to sit down. They can't be serious. Or are they?
I'd like to think they have an evil marketing genius at the network who will win the award for Best and First Press Release Specifically Crafted to go Viral.
Scroll down 3 days for a few of my upcoming shows...or I'll sic the dolphin on ya.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Males 18-49 eat this stuff up ...
I saw a print ad today for a new show on the Outdoor Channel called Ultimate Match Fishing
The ad described the show as
I'm glad they put the word "reality" in there.
The last thing we need is yet another fishing competition-based drama.
SFX: rim shot
But seriously folks...
While looking for info on this show I found myself on the Outdoor Channel's website and was surprised to see they had devoted an entire section to "Prospecting." When I clicked on the tab, I saw they currently have five shows devoted to prospecting. For reals. Click here for an action-packed still from Prospecting America if you don't believe me.
At first I thought, "Didn't prospecting jump the shark in like, 1864?"
But then I realized, prospecting shows are actually an ingenious way to snag that coveted bearded 'n crazy demo. So I say, way to go Outdoor Channel.
"There's gold in them thar old people!"
<-- Unfortunately, I couldn't find a picture of a crazy bearded prospector, so this pic of a typical baby boomer will have to do.
Now, see below for info on my upcoming live and in person type shows...
I saw a print ad today for a new show on the Outdoor Channel called Ultimate Match Fishing
The ad described the show as
I'm glad they put the word "reality" in there.
The last thing we need is yet another fishing competition-based drama.
SFX: rim shot
But seriously folks...
While looking for info on this show I found myself on the Outdoor Channel's website and was surprised to see they had devoted an entire section to "Prospecting." When I clicked on the tab, I saw they currently have five shows devoted to prospecting. For reals. Click here for an action-packed still from Prospecting America if you don't believe me.
At first I thought, "Didn't prospecting jump the shark in like, 1864?"
But then I realized, prospecting shows are actually an ingenious way to snag that coveted bearded 'n crazy demo. So I say, way to go Outdoor Channel.
"There's gold in them thar old people!"
<-- Unfortunately, I couldn't find a picture of a crazy bearded prospector, so this pic of a typical baby boomer will have to do.
Now, see below for info on my upcoming live and in person type shows...
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Women AREN'T funny. Here's scientific proof.
But everyone knows I'm hilarious.
Let the rumors begin.
And scroll down for my upcoming shows...
Women AREN'T funny. Here's scientific proof.
But everyone knows I'm hilarious.
Let the rumors begin.
And scroll down for my upcoming shows...
Monday, July 11, 2005
Upcoming gigs of note
Ya know, my rump will be seen at many a show this summer, but here are a few worth getting off your keister for. Yeah, I said, "keister." I dare to go there. Now I dare you to come here and there...
Thursday, July 15th
Free Comedy @ R Bar
451 Meeker Ave.
at Graham Ave.
The lovely and insanely talented Brian Finklestein (The Moth, UCB, Chicago City Limits) hosts this laid back show that flies under the radar. But it's a favorite with nabes and comedians flock to it like flies to stuff flies like.
Saturday, July 16th
Chicks with Schticks
Back in the Catskills
Doors @ 8pm, Show @ 9pm
Backstage Studio Productions, Inc.
323 Wall Street
Kingston, NY
On beyond my outrageous barbs of hilarity, you'll also get singing and even me dancing at this long-running variety/comedy show hosted by S. Perlman. Plus as an extra special bonus, my pal Ophira is doing it too.
Tuesday, July 19th
See NYC Bloggers Camp It Up
WYSIWYG Talent Show
7:30 p.m.
Performance Space 122
150 1st Ave. at East 9th St.
Tickets: $7
Call the box office at 212-477-5288
or click here to buy online.
The WYSIWYG Talent Show, the first-ever all-blogger series of readings and performances, brings you a celebration of mosquito bites, bunk beds, toasted marshmallows, and makeout sessions behind the dining hall with Greetings from Lake WYSIWYG: Summer Camp Stories
WYSIWYG performers for July include:
* Susie Felber (http://felberfrolics.blogspot.com) <-- c'est moi
* Claudia Cogan (http://getthefoutofhere.blogspot.com/)
* Jim Barrett (http://www.jimbo.info/weblog)
* Sarah Weinman (http://www.sarahweinman.com/)
* Jonny Goldstein (http://www.jonnygoldstein.com/)
* Jess Hulett (http://www.blindcavefish.com/)
WYSIWYG is always a hoot. Looking forward to telling my tale. No spoilers here. Get your tix early and come on down.
Wednesday, August 3rd
Keith is fabulousness incarnate
Starlight Revue
Starlight Bar and Lounge
167 Ave A (Btwn 10th and 11th Sts.)
@10:30 PM (seating at 10pm)
Free Cover/ 1 drink min
Keith Price hosts this well-loved, well-attended comedy show. I'm thrilled to be a part of the fabulosity.
WOW! You read down this far!
That's awsome. You deserve a prize.
I wish I had some Lucky Charms to give you. The new magic cloud reveal marshmallows are awesome. But in lieu of magic cereal (that might not be so lucky after all -- yikes!) or temporary tattoos, enjoy this:
"This is my prize? A pic of your dog fighting?"
They are not fighting! They are playing! Yes!
Enjoy your prize.
Ya know, my rump will be seen at many a show this summer, but here are a few worth getting off your keister for. Yeah, I said, "keister." I dare to go there. Now I dare you to come here and there...
Thursday, July 15th
Free Comedy @ R Bar
451 Meeker Ave.
at Graham Ave.
The lovely and insanely talented Brian Finklestein (The Moth, UCB, Chicago City Limits) hosts this laid back show that flies under the radar. But it's a favorite with nabes and comedians flock to it like flies to stuff flies like.
Saturday, July 16th
Chicks with Schticks
Back in the Catskills
Doors @ 8pm, Show @ 9pm
Backstage Studio Productions, Inc.
323 Wall Street
Kingston, NY
On beyond my outrageous barbs of hilarity, you'll also get singing and even me dancing at this long-running variety/comedy show hosted by S. Perlman. Plus as an extra special bonus, my pal Ophira is doing it too.
Tuesday, July 19th
See NYC Bloggers Camp It Up
WYSIWYG Talent Show
7:30 p.m.
Performance Space 122
150 1st Ave. at East 9th St.
Tickets: $7
Call the box office at 212-477-5288
or click here to buy online.
The WYSIWYG Talent Show, the first-ever all-blogger series of readings and performances, brings you a celebration of mosquito bites, bunk beds, toasted marshmallows, and makeout sessions behind the dining hall with Greetings from Lake WYSIWYG: Summer Camp Stories
WYSIWYG performers for July include:
* Susie Felber (http://felberfrolics.blogspot.com) <-- c'est moi
* Claudia Cogan (http://getthefoutofhere.blogspot.com/)
* Jim Barrett (http://www.jimbo.info/weblog)
* Sarah Weinman (http://www.sarahweinman.com/)
* Jonny Goldstein (http://www.jonnygoldstein.com/)
* Jess Hulett (http://www.blindcavefish.com/)
WYSIWYG is always a hoot. Looking forward to telling my tale. No spoilers here. Get your tix early and come on down.
Wednesday, August 3rd
Keith is fabulousness incarnate
Starlight Revue
Starlight Bar and Lounge
167 Ave A (Btwn 10th and 11th Sts.)
@10:30 PM (seating at 10pm)
Free Cover/ 1 drink min
Keith Price hosts this well-loved, well-attended comedy show. I'm thrilled to be a part of the fabulosity.
WOW! You read down this far!
That's awsome. You deserve a prize.
I wish I had some Lucky Charms to give you. The new magic cloud reveal marshmallows are awesome. But in lieu of magic cereal (that might not be so lucky after all -- yikes!) or temporary tattoos, enjoy this:
"This is my prize? A pic of your dog fighting?"
They are not fighting! They are playing! Yes!
Enjoy your prize.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Batman, Schmatman
Give me,
Give me,
This bird rocks my world
He lives in Manhattan, he comes out at dusk. He's got a stocky build and he's up to 28 inches tall. He could so totally kick a bat's ass. And if a bat can fight crime, this heron can too.*
Da da da da da da da da Adult Black-Crowned Night Heron Man!
*Yeah, I'm aware Batman is actually not a bat, but a man who has a thing for dressing like a bat. Now all I need to do is find a rich eccentric do gooder who likes to dress as an adult black-crowned night heron.**
**Yeah, I'm aware Batman doesn't really exist. But this bird does. Go here at dusk and maybe you'll see him too.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Tonight I saw
a poem-like thingy
by Susie
Tonight I saw
an adult black-crowned night heron
on 2nd ave. between 12th and 13th street
a stone's throw from the hospital for joint diseases
which sounds like a good disease to have
since you don't have to suffer it alone.
But seriously folks,
I didn't know it was
an adult black-crowned night heron.
But I called my mom
who got out her bird nerd books
and she,
didn't know what the fuck it was either
and then
other people on 2nd avenue
started noticing this enormous bird
because a even more enormous bird
was on the cell phone staring and yapping about it
to her mom.
I descibed how enormous it was.
I said the bill and head were black --
no, maybe slate?
And the breast is white.
And not the whole head, but like it was wearing a yarlmuke
I described the bird as a
like thing.
But it's not an egret.
"It's sitting on a park bench! It doesn't have a band!"
But wait, the bird had a bizarre trait.
I said.
It has a thin white ponytail.
Hearing this description, a dude watching and listening to my cell phone call said,
"Tell her it looks like a piece of speaker wire
and tell her its the biggest boid I eva seen in Manhattan!"
But mom didn't know what.
Not even with her Peterson guide.
Not even with the bird two feet away from me.
Not even with my perfectly confounding description.
Suddenly the bird craned its neck up
(was it a crane?)
revealing an even more enormous bird.
Long story short.
Mom gave me a # --
A hotline for bird nerds to call.
A prerecorded message about all sorts of exotic bird sghtings.
Followed by another # to call.
A bird nerd picked up immediately.
At 8pm.
After a short description
that included this bird's "speaker wire" ponytail
he said,
"An adult black-crowned night heron."
he knew
and I knew he knew.
Even before I googled
black crowned night heron
hours later.
a poem-like thingy
by Susie
Tonight I saw
an adult black-crowned night heron
on 2nd ave. between 12th and 13th street
a stone's throw from the hospital for joint diseases
which sounds like a good disease to have
since you don't have to suffer it alone.
But seriously folks,
I didn't know it was
an adult black-crowned night heron.
But I called my mom
who got out her bird nerd books
and she,
didn't know what the fuck it was either
and then
other people on 2nd avenue
started noticing this enormous bird
because a even more enormous bird
was on the cell phone staring and yapping about it
to her mom.
I descibed how enormous it was.
I said the bill and head were black --
no, maybe slate?
And the breast is white.
And not the whole head, but like it was wearing a yarlmuke
I described the bird as a
like thing.
But it's not an egret.
"It's sitting on a park bench! It doesn't have a band!"
But wait, the bird had a bizarre trait.
I said.
It has a thin white ponytail.
Hearing this description, a dude watching and listening to my cell phone call said,
"Tell her it looks like a piece of speaker wire
and tell her its the biggest boid I eva seen in Manhattan!"
But mom didn't know what.
Not even with her Peterson guide.
Not even with the bird two feet away from me.
Not even with my perfectly confounding description.
Suddenly the bird craned its neck up
(was it a crane?)
revealing an even more enormous bird.
Long story short.
Mom gave me a # --
A hotline for bird nerds to call.
A prerecorded message about all sorts of exotic bird sghtings.
Followed by another # to call.
A bird nerd picked up immediately.
At 8pm.
After a short description
that included this bird's "speaker wire" ponytail
he said,
"An adult black-crowned night heron."
he knew
and I knew he knew.
Even before I googled
black crowned night heron
hours later.
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Love, Rita
Below, the sweet comment Rita Rudner sent me through her publicist re: Ye Olde Tripple Inn closing.
"Ye Olde Tripple Inn was across the street from "Annie," which I was performing in when I decided to try stand up. It was dirty but convenient. I remember a dartboard, Christmas decorations in July and cowboy hats. It was the only place where people were friendly to me and I remember it with immense fondness. I'm sorry to hear it's closing. Throw a dart for me (not at me).
Love, Rita."
When read aloud at last Tuesday's show, it got a big and genuine "awwww" from the audience.
OK, all this Tripple talk feels like reruns, rehashing and reheating olde times.
Now I've got to get on with soaking up some sunlight.
I'm in the Catskills. Already today I've been to the dump, the liquor store and I've turned the compost pile. You haven't lived until you add 40 pounds of cow shit to your compost on a warm summer's day.
Now, there's a fly on my laptop screen. It landed here about a second after I typed the words "cow shit." I kid ye not.
It's still there. It's standing on the top of the blogger window. It's looking at what I'm typing.
And yeah, I'm a little insecure that this might be boring. It just flew away. Yes, this post was too dull for a fly.
FYI The wygelia bush you see at the top of this post is about three weeks old. It is no longer in bloom. It ended last week. I repeat, the wygelia is no longer in bloom. Yup, I needs me a digital camera.